Bylaws & Standing Rules
Expectations of Council
If you are looking to get in contact with your organizations Delegates, please contact the Panhellenic Secretary for information at [email protected].
Sunflower Shout-Out!
Recognize Panhellenic Women at the next Council meeting for their Time, Talents & Treasures.
Submit a Sunflower Shout-Out! to the Member at Large. Nominations are encouraged to include a photo, but not necessary. Click HERE for an online submission.
Submit a Sunflower Shout-Out! to the Member at Large. Nominations are encouraged to include a photo, but not necessary. Click HERE for an online submission.
Reimbursement Form
Officers and committee members requiring reimbursement for Council business should submit the Reimbursement Form to the Treasurer.
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas, minutes and additional support documentation is sent monthly to the Delegates.